Son intervenciones que pueden tomar la forma leyes, lineamientos, incentivos, entre otras, que se reflejan con frecuencia en asignaciones de recursos públicos y privados.
The objective of the Project is to improve access to water, reduce agro-climatic vulnerability and increase access to markets of Paraiba s rural inhabitants.
The objective of the project is: (a) reduce dropout of students in public secondary education; (b) increase access to diagnosis and treatment for patients with chronic diseases; (c) expand the registr...
Ampliar a capacidade de implementação das ações identificas nos instrumentos de planejamento, contribuindo para melhoria da gestão dos recursos hídricos
Brindar apoio logístico e administrativo aos funcionários do CIAT e os contratados no âmbito desta Carta de Entendimento.
Fortalecer el Sistema Brasileño de Defensa Agropecuaria mediante el perfeccionamiento de las acciones públicas destinadas a garantizar la inocuidad de los alimentos, la sanidad animal y vegetal, y l...
The objective of the Project is to contribute to the Borrower s efforts to promote social and economic inclusion of its rural and urban poor, including its poorest and most disadvantaged population li...
El objetivo del proyecto es aumentar la adopción de enfoques de sistemas agrícolas integrados y sostenibles en áreas específicas del territorio del Prestatario y ayudar a restablecer un ambiente p...
The Project Development Objective is to enhance the capacity of the Federative Republic of Brazil s Ministry of Agriculture, livestock and Food Supply, through Brazilian Forest Service, and nine SEAs ...
The objective of the Project is to support the Borrower’s efforts to&%2358; (i) increase food security, access to productive infrastructure and markets for family agriculture; (ii) improve the quali...
The objective is to strengthen the engagement of Cerrado Biome s indigenous peoples and traditional communities in FIP, REDD+ and similar climate change oriented programs at the local, national and gl...
The objective of the Project is to enhance the Member Country s institutional capacity in monitoring deforestation, in providing information on fire risks, and in estimating related GHG emissions in t...
To increase market integration, net revenues, and food security of organized beneficiaries; as well as to improve access to water supply and sanitation services of households in Project areas.